Monthly Archives: May 2013

Guernsey – Herm Island

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Monaco – 20th Anniversary of Monaco’s entry into the United Nations

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Monaco – Bicentenary Of The Venerable Archiconfrerie De La Misericorde

    The brotherhood of White Penitents, dedicated to solidarity with the impoverished, was the first brotherhood known in Monaco. Dissensions between its members led to a split and the creation,
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Monaco – Centenary Of The Creation Of The Rite Of Spring By Stravinsky

  The Rite of Spring is a ballet composed by Igor Stravinsky and originally choreographed by Nijinsky for Serge de Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes.
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Monaco – Bicentenary Of The Birth Of Richard Wagner

    A musician but also a playwright, philosopher and director, Richard Wagner (Leipzig 1813 – Venice 1883) was unrivalled in Germany in his time.
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Monaco – Bicentenary Of The Birth Of Giuseppe Verdi

  The Italian opera composer (1813-1901), Giuseppe Verdi crosses the entire 19th century of Italian romantic music, bringing melodrama to it in his heyday, in the tradition of Rossini and Puccini.
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Malta – European Maritime Day

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Monaco – A former Grimaldi Fief – Duchy of Valentinois

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Isle of Man – The Isle of Man Railways

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Monaco – 50th Anniversary of the Junior Chamber International of Monaco

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