Monthly Archives: June 2013

Malta – Wild & Domestic Fauna Of The Maltese Islands

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Isle of Man – Tour de France Edition 100

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Jersey – Man of Steel

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Gibraltar – 300th Anniversary -Treaty of Utrecht

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Gibraltar – Europa 2013 ‘Postal Vehicles’

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Vatican City – 1150th Anniversary of the Evangelization of Great Moravia by Saints Cyril and Methodius

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Vatican City – Joint issue with Italy – 1700th Anniversary of the Edict of Milan

    The Edict of Milan established freedom of worship and marked an end to religious persecution by recognizing the right to profess one’s own faith. The declaration was issued in 313 AD in Milan, where Costantia, daughter of Constantine
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Vatican City – 50th Anniversary of the Death of Blessed John XXIII

    Blessed Pope John XXIII is fondly remembered as “Good Pope John”, the title which best reflects not only the physical features of his face, precious for so many faithful, but also his nature as a caring shepherd who
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Greenland – Greenlandic Herbs III

Third and last issue in the series about Greenlandic herbs with beautiful designs by Nina Spore Kreutzmann is rounded off with designs of two very delicious herbs. Like before these stamps are issued in both whole sheet and in a
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Greenland – Uummannaq 250 years

The June issue is completed with two commemorative stamps that each marks an impressive town jubilee in Greenland. Thus both Uummannaq and Aasiaat turn 250 years this summer. Pierre Auzias from Uummannaq and now deceased Anne-Birthe Hove, who was born
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