Monthly Archives: June 2013

Monaco – SEPAC 2013 – The Gull

  This year, the stamps issued by the postal administrations that are members of SEPAC (Small European Postal Administrations Cooperation) will feature “animals” as their joint theme.
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Aland – Aland Cheese with a History

The production and sale of butter and cheese has existed in Åland since the Middle Ages. The first Åland dairy was founded approx. 120 years ago. Today, the dairy cooperative Ålands Centralandelslag (ÅCA) handles the Åland dairy production.
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Monaco – 15th World Festival Of Amateur Theatre

  Under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II, the World Festival of Amateur Theatre has been hosted by the Studio de Monaco every 4 years since 1957.
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Aland – White and Yellow Water Lily

Two artistically beautiful stamps appear in June. Photographer and florist Tiina Tahvanainen has featured a white and a yellow water lily. Water lilies belong to the Nymphaeaceae family and grow in shallow water and wetlands, with its roots in the
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Liechtenstein – Painters from Liechtenstein – Hans Kliemand (1922 – 1976)

    The “Painters from Liechtenstein” issue, which portrays two works by the illustrator, engraver, painter and graphic designer Hans Kliemand who died in 1976, is intended to revive a popular earlier series of stamps. Hans Kliemand was born on
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Liechtenstein – Bridges bring together

    It is not yet 150 years since Liechtenstein and Switzerland, the two countries separated by the Rhine as border-marking river, were first brought together by shared bridges. Before that people and goods were conveyed between the Liechtenstein and
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Liechtenstein – Young animals of the Alpine region

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Liechtenstein – Alpine flowers

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Isle of Man – TT legends Geoff Duke OBE & Joey Dunlop

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Jersey – 60th Ann Of The Queen’s Coronation

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