Monthly Archives: November 2013

Liechtenstein – Chinese Signs of the Zodiac: Horse

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Liechtenstein – XXII Winter Olympic Games

From 7th to 23rd February 2014 the 22nd Winter Olympic Games take place in the hinterland of Sochi, one of Russia’s most popular Black Sea bathing and health resorts. Although the climate in the town itself is sometimes subtropical, the
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Liechtenstein – Christmas 2013 – Themes from the Christmas story

For the Christmas stamps which appear regularly in time for Advent the services of Liechtenstein’s arguably most important stamp designer have been retained this year: the “graphical pioneer” and artist Louis Jäger, born in 1930.
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Liechtenstein – Liechtenstein Palace, Vienna

In the past the “Princely Treasures” series has illustrated valuable exhibits from the Liechtenstein Museum in Vienna, which since 2012 has no longer been open to the public as it was formerly and is now operated under the name “Garden
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