Yearly Archives: 2013

Iceland – The Automobile Age 1913 – 2013

The actual Automobile Age in Iceland began in 1913 when the first Ford T car came to Iceland. The stamps depict four old automobiles.
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Iceland – Contemporary Design IV

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Luxembourg – European Year Of Citizens

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Luxembourg – 700th Ann Of The Death Of Henry VII

Count Henry of Luxembourg was elected King of the Romans in 1308. Reinstating a tradition which had been interrupted for the previous 100 years, he departed two years later for Italy to be crowned Emperor in Rome.
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Luxembourg – 150 years ‘Union Grand-Duc Adolphe’

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Jersey – The Kennel Club of Jersey

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Liechtenstein – Switzerland-Liechtenstein Customs Treaty 1923-2013

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Liechtenstein – “Voluntary Civil Protection Work” Series

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Liechtenstein – Mathematics

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Liechtenstein – Europa 2013 – Postal Vehicles

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