Monthly Archives: December 2018

Jersey Post stamps pay tribute to the 70s

Popular culture of the 1970s is the subject of a set of six stamps and a Miniature Sheet to be issued by Jersey Post on 18 January 2019.
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75th anniversary of the Republic of Iceland – The Lady of the Mountain

On 1 December 1918, the Icelandic state flag (Ríkisfáni) was hoisted for the first time in front of the Government Offices in Reykjavík. A hundred years later, Iceland celebrates 100 years of sovereignty. The process leading to Iceland’s sovereignty and later
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Year of the Pig celebrated on Jersey stamps

The Year of the Pig is the subject of Jersey Post’s first stamp issue of 2019, to be released on Friday 4 January. Illustrated by Wang Huming in Beijing, China, the issue comprises a single stamp and a Miniature Sheet
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Luxembourg new stamp issues in December 2018

For this year’s Christmas, Post Luxembourg issues a series of two special stamps showing the works of Céline Mazzilli. The designs are printed on transparent foil and are self-adhesive, a world novelty. Another special series, the “2018 Charity stamps” will portray
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