Monthly Archives: July 2020

The Princess Royal’s 70th Birthday celebrated with Jersey Stamps

The 70th birthday of HRH The Princess Royal will be celebrated with a set of six stamps and a miniature sheet to be issued by Jersey Post on 15 August 2020, the Princess’ birthday. The stamps feature photographs of Her
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School children’s designs depicted on #GuernseyTogether & #AlderneySpirit stamps

Guernsey Post is delighted to announce the release of two new stamp sets, #GuernseyTogether and #AlderneySpirit, which have been designed by local school children to reflect the positive aspects of the global pandemic as a result of COVID-19.
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Guernsey Post commemorates 80th anniversary of Battle of Britain

Guernsey Post announces that it will commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, a major air campaign that took place during the Second World War, with the release of six Alderney stamps (issue date: 21 July 2020).
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