Monthly Archives: February 2021

Coastal wildlife to feature on Jersey stamps and souvenir coin

Jersey seabirds and marine life are the subject of a set of six stamps and a souvenir coin to be issued by Jersey Post on 11 March. The stamps are part of the 2021 Europa stamp issue, Endangered National Wildlife
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Stamp commemorates American weather pioneer of Åland descent

On 25 March, Åland Post issues a stamp featuring the Suomi NPP weather satellite, named after Åland descendant Verner E. Suomi. Also known as “the father of satellite meteorology”, Suomi contributed to laying the foundations for today’s weather satellites, essential
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1700s nautical chart shows historically important Åland harbour

On 25 March, Åland Post issues a stamp in the 2021 Sepac series on the theme historical maps issued by the small European postal administrations. The Åland contribution shows a nautical chart from 1747 of Rödhamn, a group of islets
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Flockdown: The Story of the Lockdown Birds and Jersey stamps

Eight colourful ‘lockdown birds’ will feature on a set of self-adhesive stamps to be issued by Jersey Post on 1 March 2021. The birds are the creations of Islander Berni Martin, who set herself a project to paint a bird
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