Åland Europa stamp 2017 portrays Kastelholm castle


Issued on 9 May is the Åland Europa stamp on a castle theme. Åland photographer Niclas Nordlund has captured the only castle in Åland, Kastelholm, on a sparkling winter day.

Niclas lets us know that he shot the photo on 4 January 2016 at 11:49 am.

“Following a two hour wait at the Slottsundet bay, the clouds cleared and the currents subsided for a few seconds, leaving the bay bright as a mirror; I succeeded in shooting the photo I had planned.”

Working in a sports establishment in Åland, Niclas devotes himself to his own photo business Niclas Nordlund Photography when time permits. He focuses mainly on nature and landscape photography.

“The story behind my interest in photography? Well, after 36 years of active hunting, I decided to shelf my gun and start shooting photos instead. I still very much enjoy nature and the outdoors but, nowadays, without disturbing the peace with the sound of a gunshot.”

The Kastelholm area is one of 27 national landscapes in Finland, and the castle is one of the best known Åland sights. Erected at the end of the 1300s, it was originally a defensive fortress. During its glory days in the 1500s, the fortress was developed into a castle. Gustav I of Sweden took personal interest in the castle and resided there for several months during the hunting season.  Following a large fire in 1745, the castle was left to fall into ruins for 120 years. A comprehensive restoration was performed 1982-2001 and the castle is today open to visitors, classified as a well-preserved ancient ruin.

Date of issue  9 May 2017
Niclas Nordlund
130 000
Denomination Europa (€1.40)
Price FDC
Stamp size  
40 x 30 mm
Sheet size  
2 x 12 stamps
Paper 110 g/m2
Perforation   13 per 2 cm
Printing method 
4-colour offset
Printing house  Cartor Security Printing


Visit Åland Pos Stamps web shop at www.alandstamps.com to order stamp, FDC and postcard.



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