Guernsey Post’s Bailiwick stamps depict the Christmas Story

Guernsey Post’s philatelic bureau has issued Bailiwick Christmas stamps depicting scenes from the centuries old story of Jesus’s birth, which is described in the biblical gospels of Matthew and Luke (stamp issue date: 3 November 2023).

The Guernsey stamps have been created by talented artist and book illustrator, Alexandra Ball, whose particular style brings a contemporary feel to the Nativity story.

For the Alderney set, Guernsey’s philatelic bureau commissioned Martin Hargreaves whose passion for Renaissance artwork is evident across the stamps.

Bridget Yabsley, Guernsey Post’s head of philatelic, said: – “We are delighted with this year’s Christmas stamps, which feature two distinct illustrative styles that bring to life the centuries old story of Jesus’s birth and feature some of the important scenes from the Nativity.

“We will also offer Guernsey and Alderney reduced rate stamps (51p Christmas card rate), which will be available to use between 29 November and 22 December.”

The Christmas stamps are available to order at or by calling Philatelic Customer Services on +44 (0) 1481 716486.


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