Guernsey stamps recognise UN’s International Year of Fruit and Vegetables

Guernsey Post’s philatelic bureau has released stamps in recognition of one of the United Nations’ observations for 2021: the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables. The beautifully illustrated Alderney stamps, which have been designed by Guernsey artist Petra Palmeri (issue date: 7 April 2021). The stamps feature a diverse selection of fruits including strawberries, which are some of the most popular berry fruits in the world, along with physalis, or Cape gooseberry, which is a South American plant native to Peru and Colombia. Oranges, a highly nutritious citrus fruit, also feature, along with brightly coloured tomatoes and quince, which contain a high level of pectin – perfect for making jams and other preserves. 

Completing the set are vibrantly coloured carrots, which are some of the most versatile root vegetables around; colourful peas, which grow inside long, plump pods and are rich in nutrients; and, onions and garlic, which are cooking staples in many homes thanks to their distinctive flavours and aroma, not to mention their health benefits.

Bridget Yabsley, head of philatelic at Guernsey Post, said: – “Founded by 51 countries following the Second World War, the United Nations is committed to maintaining international peace and security. To help achieve its goals, the UN observes special designated days, weeks, years, and decades, which are intended to create international awareness and action on these issues.

“We are delighted to feature one of this year’s observations, the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, which intends to highlight the role they play in society, as well as encouraging improvements in sustainable production and reducing waste.” 

Artist Petra Palmeri added: – “It is a privilege and an honour to be able to create the still life fruits and vegetables for Guernsey Post’s stamps. I have really enjoyed painting them and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity. These are the first set of stamps I have worked on and it is an overwhelming feeling to know that my artwork could be seen around the world”.

The stamps and related products are available to order at or by calling Philatelic Customer Services on +44 (0) 1481 716486.

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