Despite its small size Liechtenstein has in the past few years become a formidable cultural stronghold. Culture-lovers from Chur to Bregenz and everywhere between are regaled almost daily with high-calibre international productions in the country’s concert-halls and galleries and on its stages.
And in this process Liechtenstein’s own creative artists are now right up there with the foreign competition. Artists trained at the best places of study in the world and unconventional thinkers rooted in the locality are constantly contributing to what’s afoot in the world of the arts, making the small Principality into a now internationally respected land of the arts. To do justice to this fact this series designed by Stéphanie Keiser is intended to weave a philatelic garland in homage to the performing arts: to “Dance” (face value CHF 1.00), to “Theatre” (face value CHF 1.40), to “Musical Theatre” (face value CHF 2.00) and to “Cabaret” (face value CHF 4.00). The seeds of today’s rich cultural harvest were sown from the 1970s onwards, as individual private citizens sought to realise their artistic dreams independently of the community and operetta theatres which had flourished for years. A major contribution here was made by the Theater am Kirchplatz in Schaan, which for the first time hosted superb guest productions from famous theatres, poetic and also political cabaret, together with ambitious in-house productions and children’s theatre of substantial quality, contemporary dance events involving local talent and the first musicals. Many of the artists actively performing today had their first theatrical or even stage experiences here. Nowadays Liechtenstein’s cultural landscape is characterised by successor institutions such as the many dance studios, community theatres, children’s and youth theatres, musical productions and cabarets.