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Miniature sheet with special version celebrates Åland centenary

On 9 June 2022, Åland Post issues its second stamp in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Åland autonomy. This year’s miniature sheet by Åland artist Jonas Wilén shows a cross-section of the Åland islands of today. To put a
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Åland Post’s 2022 stamp booklet presents contemporary art

 9 June sees Åland Post’s issue of the 2022 stamp booklet Åland Contemporary presenting art by seven present-day Åland artists. To find the best selection of artwork, Åland Post was assisted by Susanne Procopé-Ilmonen of the Åland Art Museum and
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Åland Post issues world’s first disc golf stamp

25 March sees Åland Post’s issue of the world’s first stamp featuring disc golf designed by Finnish illustrator Sanna Mander. The disc golf course in Mariehamn will be celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2022, and the stamp is a tribute
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Åland Post celebrates 100-year-old sailing pavilion with stamp

On 25 March, Åland Post pays tribute to the ÅSS pavilion, a popular and acclaimed architectural gem in Mariehamn. Artist Carolina Sundelin took on the challenge to capture the special design of the house. “I’d never really noticed the house
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2022 Åland ATM franking labels celebrate 100 years of willfulness

On 1 February, Åland Post issues the 2022 series of franking labels. The design of the four self-adhesive franking labels is inspired by the celebration of Åland’s 100th anniversary of autonomy and the powerful slogan of the anniversary year is
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Åland Post’s stamp series of veteran tractors continues

Two new stamps in Åland Post’s stamp series featuring Åland veteran tractors appear on 1 February. The 3-year series set off in February 2021 presenting two treasures from the early 20th century. The second part jumps forward a few decades,
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